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Copyright © 2011
All photos and content
are property of
Husker's Hope
Dachshund Rescue, Inc.
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Violet was surrendered to rescue, along with several of her litter mates and offspring, from a breeder that no longer needed her, as she had out grown her usefulness. There were 11 dogs total transferred from the mini-van, where they were all running loose with several kids.
Violet was the last to be transferred to the waiting transport, into open kennels, for their safety.
On the 2 hour trip to intake, Violet did not fair well and had vomited several time. She also defecated on herself. She was frightened and did not handle the ride well. |
The transport stopped several times to clean the kennel and Violet. Violet never made a sound, except for low moans and would press herself as far as she could into the corner of the kennel, and shake.
At the intake point, Violet was carried, in the kennel, to a yard. It took some time before she'd venture out of the kennel, on her own. Having her litter mates and offspring there, seemed to ease her obvious tension, being in a strange place with strange people.
It took nearly an hour before Violet would allow anyone to touch her, so that volunteers could give her a much needed bath and grooming. It wasn't until her foster mom arrived, Margo, that Violet showed an interest in allowing anyone to touch her. Once Margo came up to her and reach out her hand, Violet wagged her tail, for the first time, allowing Margo to pick her up. |
Violet seemed to sense something peaceful and safe with her new foster mom, as she did not want to be let down, and would only allow her foster mom to bath and groom her. The picture above is where Violet remained for the entire time. Due to her anxiety with traveling in the mini-van, Margo opted to not give her anything before her trip home. |
During the next few weeks, Margo patiently worked with Violet on her fears. She noticed that Violet would not do anything outside, unless Margo was there. In fact, Violet would sit in a bush, near the door, and wait. Or, she would sit in a window and watch Margo's every more.
Violet had formed a unique and strong bond with Margo and did not feel safe to venture anywhere, unless Margo was within her sight. It took several months of patience, love and consistent behavioral conditioning, before Violet started to come out of her shell and explore on her own. In that time, Margo knew that Violet had chose her, and adopted her, even though she knew Violet would need months of consistent behavior and fear reduction work. Violet was worth it! |
Violet also had digestive issues. After many trips to the vet, they could not find anything medically wrong, and concluded that it was a part of her anxiety. Margo was diligent and patient, giving Violet bland foods for weeks, and slowly adding high-quality dog food to the mix. Within a little over a month, Violet was able to eat her dog food with throwing it back up, shortly after.
Of course, along with that Margo was working on her anxieties, and fear of being out of Margo's sight. Together, those methods worked, and Violet began to enjoy life, instead of depending solely on Margo to exist in peace. |
That was over a year ago. Today, Violet is a confident little Diva Doxie. She is quickly becoming a celebrity in her town, as she participates in beauty contests, parades and fashion shows with her sisters, Darlene & Harli (and winning). She still does not travel well, but her mom, Margo, understands why and uses prevention and preparation, so that Violet gets to go on lots of camping trips and adventures, showing off her beauty, courage, and adventurous side. |