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As with many unwanted behaviors, chewing is a natural part of the Canine world. Dogs like to chew. They chew their food, toys, and sometimes they chew things that we don't want them to chew. Your job is to learn why your dog is chewing; and supplement their need by training them to do what you want. In this case, you either want them to stop chewing particular items, during specific times, or stop destructive chewing.
Here we are going to address two (2) types of chewing issues: 1) Chewing inappropriate things; and, 2) Chewing due to other issues.
In either case, your first step is to discover why your dog is chewing. |

Puppies will chew as a means of exploring their new world or when those pesky adult teeth start pushing their way in. You have to be sure to supervise their activities, to ensure they are not discovering things to chew that could be harmful to them.
Some younger and older dogs will chew because they are bored or don't get enough activity or are being left alone for long periods of time. If left unattended, with access to the house, you'd be amazed at what they will find to chew. If you're lucky, there won't be lots of little pieces laying around, with the likelihood of some being swallowed, when you discover the deed. |
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Chewing to get attention is a way both puppies and adult dogs find will get your attention. Be it purposefully, while you're watching, or while you're too preoccupied to notice. In either case, they are likely to chew whatever peeks their interest, or has a texture or taste that appeals to them. Some favorites are leather shoes & purses, rubber items, wood and dry-wall.
And, finally, some dogs will chew due to separation anxiety from being alone, loud noises they don't understand, or in an attempt to escape. In some rare cases, dogs have been known to chew and eat things to satisfy a hunger from either not being fed enough, or not being fed a diet that satisfies their hunger, which is common with mill dogs, or dogs that have been confined without food for long periods of time. |
Once you figure out the why, then you can address the chewing with the appropriate training, activity or precautions to help your dog enjoy their chew-time, without it being a time of destruction or potential danger to their health. |
For puppies and dogs that are chewing to explore or because of too much time alone, consider adding more productive activities to their day. Take them for walks, play fetch with them, to help expel some energy. If you're not able to spend enough time with them, consider taking them to a day care facility that offers activities that keep them busy and allow for some constructive play-time by themselves and with other dogs.
Obedience class is always a great way to learn and train your dog the boundaries, to include learning new commands, such as "leave it" when they happen to discover that your favorite shoe tastes delicious. |
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Be sure that you select the appropriate toy or chew, that is age appropriate and meets the needs of your dog. While some dogs like to just nibble or slime things, many dachshunds are super-chewers. For the super chewer, who can kill and de-stuff that squeaker toy in a matter of minutes, try something more durable and less likely to be destroyed, especially if given to them while they are home alone.
Try different toys and chews to find the ones that your dog enjoys most, as well as ones that do not pose a harm to them if it gets too small (raw hides), or can be torn into pieces (rubber toys, tennis balls), or be shredded (knotted ropes, cotton filled toys) and eaten, that if the pieces do not make it through the digestive tract, can cause vomiting, constipation or other issues, when they don't come out the other end.
Kong toys and Nyla bones are the best chews for the super chewer.
Chews and toys that can be destroyed should be put away, where your dog cannot get at them, until they can be supervised.
Now, we do realize that every dachshund loves to kill a squeaker. The very act of shaking it and making it squeak, heightens their kill instinct, as it is similar to the sounds of the dying prey and motions of the killer, that was purposely bred into them.
While this can prove entertaining, you should never make it a habit to allow the "killing" routine, as a regular play activity, as this could lead to issues, should they encounter actual prey, or even other dogs that look cute and/or squeal.
If your dog is chewing out of fear or to escape, you need to address the underlying emotional issue. We've not encountered many fear chewers, who chew things as a outlet to their fears. We have, however, encountered a great deal of dogs that will chew toward a destination.
For example, dogs that are left alone for great periods of time, may chew baby gate rungs, carpet by the door, or even destroy a kennel (and their teeth), to escape. Whether to get to the last direction they saw their owner go, or to escape the confinement of a cage, because they feel trapped; these dogs risk harm to themselves.
If you plan to leave your dog alone for long periods of time, especially if you travel, relying on someone else to come once or twice a day to check on them, you're not doing your dog any favors, if they resort to chewing to escape. If your dog does this, you need to address their emotional dysfunction, before it becomes a potential destruction to your home and your dog.
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It is even possible for their fear-chewing to turn into aggression with other dogs, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, such as chasing reflections, or other obsessions that are destructive, be it in the home or the yard. If your dog is so obsessed with objects, that they do not respond to commands or redirection, you need remove those objects from their reach, and seek the help of a behaviorists before it turns into a behavior that is beyond a simple "command" fix.
Do not comfort your dog when they are anxious or fearful, instead, try to redirect their emotional reactions by engaging them in an activity that is acceptable. If you're constantly having to yell at or reprimand your dog for any unacceptable behavior, you're not giving them enough constructive attention to help them resolve their issues. In those cases, your reactions could cause the behavior to intensify, or turn into an even greater problem, such as aggression
Provide your dog with a safe place, like a kennel, if the fear is one that is resolved by a wall of security. The dog will usually choose where a safe place is. If they do not feel safe in a kennel, putting them in one will only cause them to feel trapped, with an inconsolable need to escape.
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Some dogs may even try to attack you, when it's time for them to come out of the kennel, if their fear and sense of security is overly-connected to the kennel being their safe place. In those cases, you need allow your dog time to come out on their own. Dragging them out could cause harm both to you and to your dog.
If your dog is an aggressive chewer, it is also likely that they will growl or attack anyone, including you, when coming near while they chew, or when you try to take it away. In those extreme cases, you should refrain from allowing your dog to have access to the toys or chews, without first addressing their aggressive behavior. |
A couple of "DO NOT" points: If you catch your dog in the act of inappropriate chewing, correct with a command immediately, like "leave it," then redirect their attention to an appropriate behavior with praise. Corrections made after the fact will not register unless the correction is made within seconds of the act.
Contrary to what many dog owners believe, a look of guilt on a dog, is not a confession or acknowledgement to a misdeed. More likely it's a response to your tone, which implies a misdeed. Angry tones and posturing by their owner will instill "fear" reactions. It is highly unlikely that the dog has any idea why you are angry, only that you are angry.
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